The Department of Surgery at Vanderbilt University Medical Center (VUMC) seeks a Director for its General Surgery Residency Program.
The VUMC Surgical Residency is considered one of the top training programs in the United States with a long tradition of clinical, academic, and educational excellence. The program was founded nearly
one hundred years ago in 1925 under the leadership of then Chair of Surgery Dr. Barney Brooks. Alfred Blalock was the first resident. Graduates of the program have gone on to make major impacts in surgery across the United States. Current Chiefs are trained to be leaders in their field of choice. The typical Vanderbilt Surgery Resident spends two years during the program performing research, and many get advanced degrees or training during this period in diverse areas including Bioinformatics, Public Health, or Engineering. Trainees typically continue to a top fellowship. The program currently supports 64 categorical residents and has eight graduating residents each year.... More >><< Less